Monday 20 October 2014

Hair - 2 tones coloured hair

2 Tones Crazy Hair

Recently I started my own Home Hair Services. And my very first customer wants Purple hair with Blue streaks. Of course i jump to the challenge as i can't do streaks on myself. 

hmmmm maybe i could? 

So off to my good 'ol reliable ony distributor in Singapore , 77th Street @ Bugis Junction, store to find the perfect colour from Brand Manic Panic. I chose Ultra violet and Bad boy blue, 2 Ultra violet bottle and 1 Bad boy blue bottle. I'm using 80% Ultra Violet and 20% Badboy blue.  My customer's hair is waist length so about 2 bottle would do the job perfectly but since i'm using Badboy blue 20% means i will have remaining Ultra violet. Which is good cause we NEED to have balance colour to mix in with conditioner to keep colour stay on longer. (Click here for staying longer tips)

Lets Get Down to Business....

As you can see she had previously dyed her hair and new hair growth is about 5cm-7cm long. 

I would need to bleach her hair in order for Manic Panic colour to clinch on and colour to be vibrant. After mixing ratio1:2 (bleach powder:developer) in a mixer bowl, i applied onto her new hair growth first. Started applying from the bottom and worked my way up. 
*p.s. Please part hair into sections for easy application

After i did applied bleach mixture onto her new hair growth,  I then applied it to the remaining of her hair. And let the mixture work its magic for about an hour.

Wash off with ONLY shampoo, blow dry and the fun starts here..

Remember I said Ultra violet 80% and Bad bor blue 20%? so ... when doing streaks, i would dye Ultra Violet for about 3 cm thickness of hair : Badboy for 1cm thickness of hair. Keep alternating the order.

Once done, wrap hair with cling wrap or shower cap and allow its magic work for at least 1hour (longer would be best) and wash off only with water. Blow dry and you are jet set to rock.

* Do  alternate the colours at the side of your head, you want to create the streak look when you tie up.

Let Crazy Colour hair be your best friend

Faith.Love Feline

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