Sunday 23 November 2014

Nail Tutorial - Leopard Gel Nails

Leopard Gel Nails

Chance upon this amazing nail art online and decided to try it. It looks amazing and difficult but fret not i will break down the steps for you.

One thing... I wrote gel nails, do not be confuse with the gelish nail. Gel nail art is the use of mixing nail polish with clear nail polish creating a semi translucent polish. Almost jelly like.

I'm gonna contrast the colours with dark green from O.P.I Jade is the new black,
yellow from China Glaze Sun-kissed and light green from Faceshop GR501.

Apply 1 coat of  your favourite base coat, let it dry, apply 2 coats of
coloured nail polish. Im alternating the colours, the nail art will only
go onto light green nail polish.

I use my fav acrylic paint for the leopard print. Mix green with a little dark blue
to get close to my O.P.I colour.

Leopard print usually has a inner dot followed by the outer layer. For today i imagine i have the dot
and only paint the outer layer. You could click here for my full
leopard print tutorial and you would understand 

Using the prints to create shapes. Think of the shapes and fill that
shape with leopard prints.

Now to create Gel/Jelly polish. Mix 1 drop of clear nail polish
with 1 drop of green nail polish. Using the same brush and apply onto
nails. Don't apply to entire nails but section it. And with each application you
might need to remix the polish, you want the polish to smoothly
glide onto you nails and since the polish is exposed it dries out fast.

Create Gel/Jelly nail polish with the yellow and apply onto the parts
that you have not painted with green.
Let  it dry for 5 mins and apply your fav top coat.

And there you have it.... Contrast Leopard Gel Nail Art..

Let Leopard Gel be your bestfriend

Faith.Love Feline

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